Thursday, May 20, 2010

Trip to Washington, D.C.

Alex and I (Brad) went to Washington D.C. to visit my sister Jackie and celebrate Alex's graduation from preschool. We flew out Friday afternoon and flew back Monday afternoon. A great time was had by all, with plenty of activities to keep us on the move the whole trip! Here are a few memories of the trip.

Jackie's boyfriend Scott helped set up a tour of the White House bright and early Saturday morning (ok, 8:30 am). We probably spent as much time in the security line as we did walking through the White House, but it was neat to move down the hallways and imagine all of the past Presidents that have made that same walk.

Alex loved the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum! Between the rockets and the airplanes he was in heaven. Donatos pizza for lunch at the Smithsonian food court was a bonus!

On our way to the Natural History Museum, we walked down the National Mall. We saw a unicycle, a couple dozen police on horseback, and this carousel.

Alex liked the Natural History Museum, though by the time we saw the dinosaur and underwater creature exhibits, he was done with museums for the day.

Saturday night we went to a park near Jackie's place, Alex really enjoyed getting to run around. We also picked up some Fro-Yo (frozen yogurt) and Alex played in a water fountain.

On Sunday morning we walked to the Zoo. Alex couldn't get enough time in this prairie dog exhibit, it was his favorite by far.

From the Zoo we took the train to the National Building Museum, which had a cool building exhibit with large legos.

Sunday night we ate dinner in the area out back of Jackie's apartment (the garage) because it was a great night to be outside.

Monday we took the train back to the airport and headed on home.

Overall it was a terrific trip, it was great to spend time with Jackie and get to meet her boyfriend Scott, who was really nice. Alex is at such a fun age, it was a blast traveling with him.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Preschool Graduation

Friday was Alex's Preschool Graduation. The kids all looked very grown up in their caps/gowns and it was a fun morning. They were each presented with a "diploma" which I don't think impressed Alex very much. Alex and Brad left for Washington, D.C. Friday afternoon to visit Brad's sister, Jackie and are due back later today. Abby and I had a quiet girls weekend around here and visited with Karen on Saturday for a bit. We are ready for our little ball of energy to return home with Daddy!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Touch A Truck

This police officer was taking photos of all the parents and their kids, what a nice guy!
SWAT team vehicle

Alex and Josh deep in conversation.
Alex's preschool hosted the annual touch a truck event and he had a ball climbing up on fire trucks, tow trucks, police vehicles, etc. Abby laid low in her stroller but did not seem to mind all the commotion. It was a rainy day but the rain paused long enough to tour the trucks, so everyone was happy!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Soccer Saturday

No one scores while this goalie's in charge!
Yup, it was just that cold today!

Wrapping up Saturday night with his first sleepover with his best bud Vanessa.

Mother's Day Tea 2010

Can you spot our little guy?He soooooooo did not want to take this photo.

Posing in the tree house at school.
Each kid had to write down a few things about their Mom and then all of us Moms tried to guess which Mom they were describing. Some of the kids have wild ideas about what Moms find "fun"! The class started out by reciting two adorable poems then we went outside to plant flowers together. We had "tea" together and shopped the book fair (how convenient!). It was a lovely way to spend Friday morning!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

16 Months Old

She runs, really runs, now.
She loves all of us so much that she often runs up and gives us hugs out of nowhere.
Abby and Scooter continue to be buddies, often cuddling closer than he would like!

Earlier this week Abby turned 16 months old and I thought I'd mark the occasion by trying to put her hair in pigtails. When I failed at that, I tried the Pebbles Flinstone look, and that worked out a lot better. She is trying to talk more but still says only "Mama", "Dada", and "Baba", occasionally surprising us with a random word here or there but nothing consistent. I need to get her on video making her favorite sound combination,"ticky, ticky, ticky!" I'm pretty sure she repeats it because she knows I think it is super cute.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Guy Stuff

Look Out! Brad, looking super enthusiastic about fishing.

Abby, enjoying the view for about 1 minute then running for the water. We went home after that and left everyone to have their fun without the little helper tagging along.

Alex, rocking his Spiderman fishing pole, looking to catch something with the hot dog bait.
Alex, Sherri and Vanessa. Sherri likes fishing and was happy to work with Alex and Brad on their form.

Saturday Alex helped Brad warm up before his first 18 of the season. Sunday, our neighbors Mark and Sherri (with Vanessa), along with Jim and his son Josh, headed out fishing and invited Brad/Alex to join them. A good time was had by all and I hear that Brad actually caught the largest fish of the day and then ran away while Sherri "took care of it". Jim noted "this proves there really is no skill involved in fishing". We'll call it beginners luck. Alex's team also scored a WIN at Saturday's soccer game--we were so proud!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Where's My Ba-ba?

Abby has learned to say "ba-ba" with amazing clarity. She's going to be one of those old kids who needs weaned off the bottle through an intervention of sorts. We have, however, managed to wean her down on the amount of milk she's consuming to a more acceptable quantity. She waits here at the top of the steps, after her bath, while one of us fixes her a bottle for bedtime.

The Eye Doctor

Alex had his first eye exam this week and passed with flying colors. He seemed to enjoy the visit for the most part, all except the part where they puffed air into his eyes. Abby kept herself busy with toys and snacks then before we knew it he was finished!