Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Brrrrr, is it cold outside or is it just me?

While Brad and I vaguely remember what it is like to have 4 distinct seasons, poor little Alex is not sure what to make of all this. Cooler temperatures have meant some pretty serious wardrobe adjustments, and he has no clue what is to come. After a brisk 20 minute walk outside after dinner Alex was beside himself, complete with red cheeks and fingers! We warmed him up with a bubble bath, warm jammies, and flannel sheets. I can say with complete confidence that those sheets haven't seen the light of day in a good 4 years!! Once Alex was in bed, it was off to Target to pick up a hat/mitten set in the hopes that tomorrow he'll add even more layers before going outside. What on Earth will he think of snow pants and snow boots?!?


Stacey Jolley Webb said...

I love this...and am so glad you finally joined the blogging community!

Nicole Ivory said...

It's just you. It's not cold outside here.... but then again I live in FLORIDA. I know what it's like to not have all 4 seasons. I think I might go into shock at Christmas time when we come home. I'm sure he'll adjust and look super cute in a snow suit this winter!!

Anonymous said...

If I had cute flannel jammies like that I'd wear them even when it's NOT cold out. Good score, Alex. Looking forward to seeing pictures of you in mittens and a hat.

Unknown said...

Very cute. We broke out the flannel sheets when we changed them this morning. It's in the fifties at night here! Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks!