Sunday, October 28, 2007

Neighborhood Halloween Party

Saturday night we threw a Halloween party for the children on our street (and their parents), and the kids had a blast. Alex was a bit traumatized to be forced into a costume, but wound up keeping it on a full 2 hours! He wanted to be a tiger, told everyone he was going to be a tiger, but when it came down to it, he simply did NOT want to wear a costume.

We ate lots of pizza and cupcakes, putting the kiddos on a serious sugar high for the night. There were crafts for the kids (I mean the moms!) and dozens of balloons to kick and throw.

There were 11 kids total (we were 2 short in the photo). By the end of the evening the kids were all out of costume, helping the adults cheer the top-ranked Buckeyes on to a 37-17 victory over Penn State, Go Bucks!!


Unknown said...

Alex had to redeem his reputation after his poor showing in the costume poll. None of the analysts were calling that kind of a costume run. Glad to see you have so many kiddos in the neighborhood. 9 of 11 is a pretty good showing for the group photo.

Nicole Ivory said...

Doesn't look too happy in his costume but he looks really cute! You should've dressed him up in that gray sweater vest for the OSU game and had him be Jim Tressel! Go Bucks!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the pouting tiger picture. Classic!