Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Our Day at the Pumpkin Patch

Saturday we spent the afternoon at Dollinger Family Farm, and as you can imagine Alex loved it all. For starters there was a steam train offering rides for the kids (and adults) and there is nothing Alex enjoys more than trains. That was until he saw the large field of pumpkins that lay before him. He ran around trying to climb through the large pumpkins, even getting his feet stuck a few times.

We met up with several of our new neighbors at the pumpkin farm and found getting all 4 kiddos to smile together was a challenge! Alex is adjusting to the cooler weather here in Illinois and I am convinced that we'll overcome the daily "jacket tantrum" before he turns 18 so all is well.


Nicole Ivory said...

Hey! Love the idea and the site!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see I can keep up with the activities of this fine young man. He will be fun to watch grow up.


Anonymous said...

Hi! What a cool idea! I looked in the Suzanne Ross "complete profile" link and found out something new about you...you are in the accounting industry in Afghanistan. Huh? I was cracking up!! Can't wait to try to convince Alex to wear a coat on Friday. Maybe I'll have to bring some candy... :)