Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Happy Awake Time

We are currently thankful for lots of things. Happy awake time is definitely one of those things. Abby is having more and more happy awake time. We don't remember this happening with Alex until he was eating baby food, so 4-6 months! While she does spit up once in a while, she does not have reflux--meaning she doesn't scream in pain each time she spits up. Evenings are hit or miss. It is a predictable fussiness, but most tolerable. She spends long periods of time staring at her mobile in her room, or under the baby gym on the floor, just looking around. While this may seem like a very small thing, it is a huge thing for us!

To top it all off, Alex has been doing GREAT with using the potty and seems to have responded well to being back on a sticker reward chart. Phewwww!

Now, if we can get Scooter's rebellious behaviors under control, everyone will have made the transition from one to two kiddos in this house.

Life is good.


Nicole Ivory said...

How exciting! I'm so glad to hear that about Alex and the potty. Are you talking about the mobile that we got for a steal at Babies R Us? That's awesome!

Anonymous said...

She is a beautiful little girl and will be such a joy. So many great times ahead. Can't wait to see her,( and all of you,) again soon.
