Alex: "Mom, why do squares have four sides and triangles have three?"
Mom: silence
Alex: "Mom, why are there so many water towers around here?"
Mom: "I have no idea."
(Alex at 4 months old)
He is so inquisitive, wanting to know the why surrounding everything. It is adorable and usually I do not have an answer for him. Lately, he's been saying "I love you" and we don't even have to prompt him. So sweet!! Today at swim class, Alex swam a good little distance on his own. He had a terrified look on his face when he realized the teacher wasn't holding onto him, but he continued nonetheless. He's still in the class at the Y where they wear a "bubble" floatation device on their backs, but soon he'll move on from that. Abby loves to sit poolside as his cheerleader :)
Alex's current faves:
Drawing pictures with actual shapes, no longer just scribbles :)
Counting out loud
Using markers
Playing computer games, mainly phonics related
Loving on Abby
Kicking the soccer ball back and forth with us outside
Scissors--this kid has more scissors than an entire kindergarten classroom!
Cutting tags off of things, even things we may want to keep the tags on
Chocolate milk
Go Diego Go
Playing Uno
Getting up at night for a drink of water (not one of our faves)
Still my alltime favorite photo of Alex. I can't wait for John to be a little more interactive. I'm struggling with the fact that the only way he communicates is by being either content or pissed. Some days I just crave normal communication.
"I have no idea." Ha ha ha ha! The whole conversation is hilarious, and very smart of that little Alex too. I hope little Abby doesn't plan on growing up this fast!
I love the "silence" after Alex asking about the shapes. That's awesome! He's so smart and inquisitive. I can't believe he is almost 4!!
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