Monday, May 4, 2009

4 Months Old

Remember when she was just this big??

Abby had her 4 month check-up today and is growing up so fast!

Weight: 15.9lbs 88percentile

Height: 25.5" 85percentile

She's a healthy girl and we are looking forward to her becoming more mobile. We'll be watching for her to roll over here in the next few weeks :) She had quite a few shots this morning and has been a bit on the cranky side ever since. I've caught her trying to suck on her thumb lately so we'll see if that becomes a habit. She takes less interest in the pacifiers than she used to and still sleeps a 6hr stretch then a 3 hr stretch at night. Those few "through the night" episodes were just a tease! She goes to bed the best for Brad, who knows just the right way to hold her to get her to nod off. Even tonight when she was fussy at dinner and several adults tried to calm her down, she just needed Daddy's magic touch.


Unknown said...

Glad to know I'm not the only one with a husband with the magic "sleep wand". John will fall asleep quickly for Robbie but fights me at nap time. Today may be a long day because I had to wash the BabyBjorn and it's usually my secret weapon for a nap. I may be doing a lot of rocking today.

Nicole Ivory said...

Awww.... She's definitely a Daddy's Girl!