Monday, July 13, 2009

6 Month Checkup

I took Abby in for her six month check-up this morning and she's really grow, grow, growing!

Height: 27" (86th percentile)

Weight: 19lbs 7oz (95th percentile)

The doctor seemed pleased with her growth and developmental milestones. It will be fun to watch her become more mobile as the weeks go by. Alex and I really need to go through the toys with little pieces and do some baby proofing there. This morning I watched him dump a bucket of small toy cars on the floor in front of her and offer her one to play with. I told him she needs to stick to the baby toys in the baby bins and he seemed to understand this.
You'll all be happy to know that Abby is finally starting to grow hair on the back of her head. For a long time she had a white rim around the back of her head where she would rub the hair off from laying on her back so often. The only area growing was a single sprout on the top of her head, and it was an adorable little curl. Now she seems to be sleeping more on her side so the hair is able to grow, and stay attached! I see lots of barrettes in her future :)

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