Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Day of 4 Year Old Preschool and Celebrity Sighting

Alex's first day of PK4

Abby's a shopping champ!

Alex always asks "Can I hold her?" and then quickly changes course with "She's all squiggly, can you take her back?"

Alex had his first day of PK4 yesterday and had a great day! His new teachers are just wonderful and it helps that he is so familiar with the school from last year. Abby and I did some grocery shopping while Alex was gone and I swear she looked over at his empty car seat at one point and said "Alla" (that's her way of saying Alex).

Abby has also started pulling herself up to standing, which is leading to many red bumps on her little forehead. Today was a memorable day for Brad as he shook hands with Rex Tillerson, the CEO of ExxonMobil, during Mr. Tillerson's tour of the Joliet Refinery. What? No photos? Bummer.
We are gearing up for a visit from Grandma Kathy and Gigi this weekend, along with Alex's first soccer game and the U2 concert at Soldier Field. Alex had a more successful practice tonight and I think Saturday's game will be really fun to watch!

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