Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Children's Museum

I think these hoses that blow forced air are for spinning the pinwheels that surround the ship. Or for blowing your own hair :)

She does not really enjoy sitting still.

Jamming like his idol Steve Songs!

Exploring the pirate ship together.

Playing drums in the music exhibit.

Yesterday I took Alex and Abby to the DuPage Children's Museum in Naperville. It was probably the least stressful trip to the museum that we have ever experienced. I'm not sure where everyone was, but we practically had the whole place to ourselves. It is usually incredibly loud there but it was really nice and quiet yesterday. Abby loved crawling around after Alex and pulling up onto anything she could find. I did bring a few toys from home that were OK for her to put in her mouth since she tried to eat everything in sight! At one point she crawled into the wind tunnel exhibit, not realizing what it was, but I think she enjoyed the gusts of wind that were blowing toys everywhere!

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