Wednesday, March 31, 2010

In Like A Lion, Out Like A Lamb

These 70+ degree temperatures are a great way to round out March 2010 and the kids are exhausted from so much fresh air! It is lovely to be able to turn off the heat and open the windows for a bit. While we realize the cool temperatures are never gone for good, this brief reprieve has been good for all of us.

After a few missteps, Abby is learning how to properly descend the deck steps and Alex continues to share his sandbox with her. She still puts so much in her mouth though that it is a full time job to supervise her during sandbox time. I hope Alex never outgrows his sandbox, he loves it so much!

Yesterday we found out that Alex will most likely be attending full day Kindergarten as opposed to half day as we had originally planned. I am still trying to wrap my mind around him being gone all day, but know that it will be good for him. It is interesting how some states have had full day Kindergarten for decades (as NJ did when we went to school) and others are just now jumping on board. He is oozing with excitement about Kindergarten though and cannot wait to start!

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