Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Visit to Gigi's House

Trying to figure out the tinker toys.
Oooh, what pretty shells you have Gigi!
Abby wanted to play with the fabric strawberries, but when she discovered all the colored gravel underneath them, she was all about that instead.
Looking through the bowl of seashells from the FL shore.
Brushing Elmo's hair, with Gigi's hairbrush.

When Alex asked if we could stop at Gigi's house over Thanksgiving break and we were happy to oblige. On our way to Cincinnati we made a side trip up to Hamilton to pick up Gigi and visit a little while at her house. Alex hadn't been there since before Abby was born, but thanks to video, pictures, and a mind like a steel trap, he remembered lots about her house.

She broke out a few little toys she still had in the house, such as TinkerToys and a dancing Elmo doll. As you can see by the pictures, the kids wanted to play with everything that wasn't really a toy and Gigi was happy to let them do so!

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