Sunday, June 19, 2011

Swim Lessons

This summer Alex took swim lessons at the outdoor pool for the first two weeks of the summer, everyday. Now they are over, phew! Typical of Chicago weather, it was super hot the first three days then chilly and in the high 50s/60s other days. So chilly in fact that I let him skip one day and the others Abby and I sat on the side in jackets. Alex did very well jumping in and swimming from side to side in the pool. He improved a lot in these two weeks and is looking forward to practicing all summer long! The last day the instructors took the kids on the "big slide" and caught them at the bottom, encouraging them then to swim to the steps on their own. He definitely has more self-esteem in the water now :)

1 comment:

Margie said...

Brrr..I hope you can save some of that chillier weather when we're there in July! It's been hot hot hot here in Texas.