Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Summary At Age 3

There's no stopping her now! Abby's off riding her bicycle, as fast as she possibly can! She has loads of energy, all day long! No naps for this gal anymore but in bed by 7:30 and sleeps about 12 hours. She continues to attend the Weeping Willows class at the park district for two hours, two days a week and keeps everyone there entertained. Abby is full of personality and loves to dance, sing and act silly. She plays dress up and likes to pack up her things to pretend she's going on "vacation". She can put her shoes on by herself, is potty trained, and is gaining quite the vocabulary. We are working on recognizing letters and numbers but she can say her ABCs and numbers to 20. She knows colors and shapes and we couldn't ask for anything more!

Abby is liking puzzles more and more, enjoys swimming and gymnastics. Did I mention how much she loves to sing and dance around??? Her best friends (imaginary friends) are The Wiggles. Yes, the Australian singing group for children, made up of four grown men, and yes, that's kind of odd. She is friends with all the kids on our street and plays well with all of them. Her new bike seems to be her least favorite toy to share, although last summer she had no trouble borrowing other children's bikes... It is fair to say that pretty much anything her big brother is doing, she wants to be doing.

33lbs (75th percentile)

38" (68th percentile)

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