Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Alex continues to take instructional tennis class at the local racquet club and enjoys this new hour long class now that he is 8.  His strokes are developing and they sure do run them all over the place!  He has two friends in the class too which has been a treat.  Abby looks forward to joining the 5 year old class in January when she turns 5.  Rain or shine they can practice as it is indoors so we never miss a week!

Abby is taking gymnastics through the park district and last week I was thrilled to see them using BOSU balls!  He had the kiddos jumping across several of them and then later in the class he was trying to teach them how to do pushups on the ball.  Too cute!  He also runs them for the full hour.  They seem to do best in classes where there is little downtime to get distracted or bored.  We usually hit the playground for a bit afterwards depending on the weather.  

As it gets cooler we will go back to swimming once a week with friends at the rec center pool.  I took them both on Columbus Day and had to drag Alex out when it was time to go.  It is a great way to burn off a little energy and keep up those swimming skills they worked so hard on this summer.

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