Monday, March 3, 2014

My Pinterest Fail

Have you ever seen the cake on Pinterest or elsewhere that uses the Pampered Chef glass Batter Bowl to bake a cake in the oven?  You can invert the cake to form a large ball gown.  From the pictures, I'd assume you just stick a Barbie doll in the top, get out some frosting and call it a day.  Well, it's not quite that simple.  What actually needs to happen is that you bake 2 of these cakes, cut the bottom off of one and slide that large circle under the first cake, so it sits up higher off the plate.  See exhibit A above...

Sadly I only had one box of cake mix, and very little time, so we improvised by using a miniature Cinderella doll that Abby had and gave her a very large dress.  Problem solved?

1 comment:

Margie said...

Help! Cinderella fell through the ice!