Friday, May 8, 2009

Mother's Day Tea

Friday was a really fun day for me. I left Abby with my friend Sherri and her daughter Vanessa and got to visit Alex in his classroom at preschool. They had set up a "Mother's Day Tea" for all the Moms and it was so sweet! The kids sang a few songs about Moms and one of his teacher's read a story about the bond between Moms and kids called Love You Forever. By the end of this touching story everyone was in tears and all the kids were staring at us like we were nuts!

Then we planted flowers in a little garden space next to the preschool. Each child marked their flower with a personalized sign and we can check up on the flower throughout the summer. We then had apple juice (kind of like tea???) and looked at all the photos of the moms hanging up around the gym. I'm fairly certain the highlight of the day for Alex was visiting the Book Fair at the end of the morning, where he picked up an I Spy book that is far too challenging for both he and I! Alex made an adorable Mother's Day card with his hand prints and photo on the inside, and I love it.

They also did an exercise days earlier where the teacher's had asked the kiddos questions about their Moms. Then, the teachers read these aloud this morning. They were hilarious! Here are Alex's responses:
My Mom is 35 years old.
My Mom's favorite food is hamburger.
My Mom's favorite thing to do is just play games.
My Mom's favorite color is gray.
My Mom likes to paint.

Alex's responses were actually far less exotic than some of the other kid's descriptions of their Moms. While I did age 7 years in Alex's mind, I appreciate that he thinks my favorite thing to do is "just play games". Some children said their Mom's favorite things to do are laundry, scrub floors, and clean.
We had a wonderful Friday together and it was a lovely start to this Mother's Day weekend!


Jackie said...

Oh man, that "Love You Forever" story used to make Mom cry too! Every time!

Jess said...

He he! So cute. And if you really like to paint there are a few rooms down here that could use some help. ;)