Thursday, November 5, 2009

Can't Turn My Back For A Minute!

Abby turned 10 months old yesterday and is trying her best to be very independent. I appreciate her determination, but boy is it messy! When I turned my back to prepare Alex's plate at dinner the other night, Abby helped herself to an entire container of yogurt. This was a smelly mess, but she seemed pleased with herself! I guess she has a longer reach than I had previously thought!

At 10 months old she is standing on her own and eating more and more of what we are having at mealtime. She does not let the fact that she only has one little tooth slow her down!


Nicole Ivory said...

The picture of her with the yogurt is hilarious!!! love her bunches! can't wait for Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

She is just sooo cute. I'm looking forward to seeing you guys at Thanksgiving.
