Sunday, November 8, 2009

What Month Is It?

Our neighbor, Jim, suggested this would make a cool photo. He was right, it would make a great shot, if both kids were willing. Don't worry, Abby was only in the leaves for 5 seconds or so...just long enough to snap this one, sad, picture.

Brad said this portion of the staining would take about 6 hours. I think he was done in 2. Is he efficient or what? Must have been his little helper who made all the difference!

Today it was in the low 70s, wild. It is November 8. It was a beautiful day to be outside so we tried to take advantage and finished up a few things outside before it gets cold again. Brad and Alex sealed the enclosure around the bottom of the deck while I raked leaves and Abby napped. I pressed to put up the Christmas lights and just not turn them on yet, but was overruled on this one. I have a feeling that when we have highs in the 30s, no one will feel like going outside to decorate!

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