Monday, October 4, 2010

Abby, 21 Months

She scoots right up to the table to eat.
Abby can blow her own nose (missing from this photo is the half-roll of toilet paper she unrolled to get this "tissue".)
We've actually stopped referring to Abby by months and now just tell people she's "almost 2." This past month she has really taken off verbally and it seems like each day she has a new word. Her focus right now is two-fold: animals and modes of transportation. She is very proud of her new words and says them both loudly and with confidence. We've settled into our own schedule during the day while Alex is at school and Abby certainly likes the one on one attention. I try to "do" her hair cute each morning with a bow/barrette but take this out at naps, so by dinner each day her hair resembles photo #2 above :) Alex is absolutely her best friend and getting him off the bus is the happiest part of her day!

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