Sunday, October 24, 2010

Costumes and Cupcakes

Alex, Abby and all their friends!
"Mom, Daddy kicked the ball way high up in that tree!"

Alex, getting the roller coaster back to its starting position for another run down the hill. Can you see the ball pit balls are already strewn across the yard?
This was followed by Brad scaling this poor tree to retrieve the ball for the kiddos.
Alex as Woody and Vanessa as Jessie from Toy Story.

The kids had a blast with their friends Saturday night as we hosted our fourth annual Halloween party. While it did rain in the morning, it cleared up to be a perfect rest of the day! We started out with a candy scavenger hunt in the backyard. Alex was really helpful in prepping and sorting the items for the scavenger hunt and hiding them all over the yard. Then we had a wonderful potluck dinner, followed by a few rounds of "hot potato" and "freeze dance" with the sugared up kiddos. They had great fun playing in the swimming pool ball pit and riding the roller coaster down the grass in the yard. This morning we had quite the task of washing it all off in order to bring it inside for the winter months.
Next up: Alex's class Halloween party. Piece of cake!

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