Saturday, January 19, 2008

Chicken Noodle Soup for the Toddler's Soul...and Shirt, Pants, Table, Floor, etc.

Alex has croup symptoms, again. He's just a croup kid--he gets a cold and the barking cough usually follows. Although, by this afternoon after his monster size nap, he seems to be on the up and up. Croup = lots of fluids, steam, and chicken noodle soup for Alex. I have only tried chicken noodle soup once before with Alex and I fed it to him myself. Well, today I let him try himself. He can eat thicker soups on his own, but chicken noodle is basically broth. We took the approach of breaking up saltines and trying to pick them up with the spoon. This seemed to work well and he swallowed a remarkable amount of chicken broth, I was thrilled. Inevitably, there was soup everywhere, but by the end of lunch he had gotten the hang of it :)
Many thanks to our neighbor Jim for fixing the settings on our camera. Now we can use the flash without everyone turning into white blobs!

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