Saturday, February 16, 2013

Abby's Baptism

On Sunday, January 20, 2013, we joined St. Stephen's United Methodist Church, here in Virginia.  On the same day, we were happy to have Abby baptized.  Andrew and Nicci are her God Parents and Abby was happy to celebrate with them.  While both kids are enjoying Sunday School here, Abby has particularly embraced Bible stories and wants to read them all!  We are so thankful that Nicci and Andrew could make the trip out in January and serve in this special role for Abby!

Udvar-Hazy Museum

Aunt Nicci and Uncle Andrew came to visit over MLK weekend in January to stand as sponsors for Abby's baptism.  On Saturday we drove over to the Smithsonian's Udvar-Hazy Museum, just outside Dulles Airport.  We'd been eager to see the space shuttle Discovery on display since its retirement.  They have all sorts of planes on display in this giant hangar including a Concorde and the Enola Gay.

Happy 4th Birthday, Abby Lynn!

Four Years Old!

Little Miss Abby turned 4 on January 4 and had the best birthday!  She helped make her own strawberry cupcakes and invited twenty of her closest friends to My Gym for a party.  Aunt Jackie and Uncle Scott stopped by to help her open her gifts after the party too!  The kids loved running around My Gym and playing on all the equipment.  They danced, did the Limbo, and rode the zipline down to have cupcakes at the end of the party!  Abby has grown 2 inches to 41" and remains in the 75th percentile for height and weight.  She loves dance, swimming, playing at the park, being with her friends, and most of all, playing with Alex!  She is learning to write her letters, spell short words, and color inside the lines.  Abby can put a smile on anyone's face!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

This was the first year we let Alex stay up til midnight!  The girls counted down til 9pm and then enjoyed eating their 12 grapes for good luck!

Christmas in Cincinnati

Christmas in Cincinnati was a busy one, filled with yummy meals, fun gift exchanges, snowball fights, and bowling.  There was just enough snow to have fun!  We had a fantastic holiday and were glad to be able to spend time with our parents and grandparents!