Thursday, May 29, 2014

Last Day of Preschool

Gulp.  Just like that, Miss Abby is off to Kindergarten.  Here she is wearing her "Busy Builder" shirt with pride.  She is ready, no doubt, but will miss her teachers at Knollwood so very much.  What a great place to be 4 and 5 years old!  So much exploring and creating and learning and playing!!  I've enrolled her in two weeks of "camp" at the school to ease us into summer.  Alex is in school until June 25 this year due to snow days!

Grandma and Chuck Visit

Kathy and Chuck are on a three week historical tour of the East Coast and of course D.C. was on the itinerary!  They swung by Thursday for dinner and had fun playing Lego Creationary with the kids and enjoying the beautiful weather outside.  We all were together again at Scott's graduation party over the weekend too.

Bible Presentation

During the last Chapel class of the year at Knollwood, Abby (and all of the graduating preschoolers) was presented with a Bible.  They invited parents to join them in the church to see how Chapel is run and to be there for the Bible presentations. Abby enjoys reading Bible stories at bedtime and I'm certain she will treasure this.

Happy Mother's Day!

My beautiful babies and sweet husband took me out to brunch for Mother's Day at PJ Skidoos, whose Sunday brunch we have come to enjoy for holidays and such.  The key is arriving early, which we did this time :)  After brunch we spent some time playing on the school playground, a blessing to have so close to our house!  Sam and Amie hosted us for dinner where the kids all played outside until no one could take the onslaught of pollen any longer.  We missed being surrounded by the Grandmas and Aunts on Mother's Day, but we love them all just the same!

Mother's Day Tea

Abby's Mother's Day Tea at her school was a tear jerker, as the preschool director read Karen Kingsbury's, Let Me Hold You Longer.  It is a touching book about savoring your child's "firsts" and "lasts" as well.  So, so sweet.  Abby made me a beautiful flower pot and we proceeded to have tea and muffins together.  Have I mentioned how much I adore her preschool??


This year's spring soccer season is going better than we could have hoped!  Many Saturday mornings their games overlap slightly so we have to divide and conquer.

Alex was hesitant about trying soccer again, but is enjoying both practices and games.  He often volunteers to be goalie and likes playing defensive positions the best.  One game recently he even scored two goals!  They played in the pouring rain also and afterwards he and his buddy Andrew took their snack into the goal to eat.  Both boys agreed that was the "coolest game ever"!  They play 7 v 7 on a full-sized field with a full-sized goal.  It is a lot of running and we are so proud of him for picking up this team sport!

Abby thoroughly enjoys soccer as well.  She's pretty aggressive on the field and likes to get into the mix and chase the ball.  Her age group plays 2 v 2 on a very small field with two portable size goals.  I think she gets a little bored with that and would like the challenge of a bigger field and more kids to play on her "team".  We are impressed that she is enjoying soccer so much and will continue to encourage her to play as long as she likes it.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Nationals Game

Alex earned free tickets to the Washington Nationals baseball game from selling so much Cub Scout popcorn.  We all took our seats in the nosebleed section where it was a little chilly, but still fun!

Happy Easter!

Easter morning was marked by the arrival of Harry Potter Lego Minifigures...a huge hit!  Both kids are currently obsessed with Harry, Ron, Hermione and all the other characters.  They build "Hogwarts" out of Legos and play with these Minifigures nonstop.  After church, the Prices came over for an egg hunt and late lunch.  Everyone is just so happy to see the sun this time of year!  

Easter Eggstravaganza

Abby and I volunteered to run one of the craft stations at the church Easter Eggstravaganza, while Alex volunteered to hide the eggs for the younger children.  He felt so important!  It was a beautifully warm day and we were happy to spend so much time outside!

Visit from Grandma Eileen

We wrapped up Grandma Eileen's Spring Break visit with a trip to the rock climbing wall.  The kids even ventured out after a while to some of the more challenging walls!