Wednesday, March 31, 2010

In Like A Lion, Out Like A Lamb

These 70+ degree temperatures are a great way to round out March 2010 and the kids are exhausted from so much fresh air! It is lovely to be able to turn off the heat and open the windows for a bit. While we realize the cool temperatures are never gone for good, this brief reprieve has been good for all of us.

After a few missteps, Abby is learning how to properly descend the deck steps and Alex continues to share his sandbox with her. She still puts so much in her mouth though that it is a full time job to supervise her during sandbox time. I hope Alex never outgrows his sandbox, he loves it so much!

Yesterday we found out that Alex will most likely be attending full day Kindergarten as opposed to half day as we had originally planned. I am still trying to wrap my mind around him being gone all day, but know that it will be good for him. It is interesting how some states have had full day Kindergarten for decades (as NJ did when we went to school) and others are just now jumping on board. He is oozing with excitement about Kindergarten though and cannot wait to start!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

Alex collecting his eggs. This scramble was great because they had several hunts for each age group so if you missed the first, you could just catch the next one ten minutes later.

Vanessa and Alex...can you tell it was a chilly Chicago afternoon?

While Abby took her nap today, I took Alex to an egg hunt sponsored by a local church. The kids had a blast scrambling for candy filled eggs, jumping in the moon bounce and playing games.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

She's Learning

Each week it seems Abby learns how to operate a new button on this toy. She likes having help to open the rest then slams them all closed quickly. She's also been sitting at the little picnic table we have from when Alex was younger. She falls backwards off of it from time to time, but is learning how to get up the right way. You can really see here how long her hair is getting, and so curly too!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Break Visitors

Alex suckering Aunt Nicci and Uncle Andrew into helping him mold a train at the Museum of Science and Industry.
In the impressive new storms exhibit at the museum.

Abby showing Aunt Nicci her babies.
This cup was full of ice but she felt like a big girl "drinking" out of a straw.
Riding the cow at the Museum of Science and Industry.
Alex and Aunt Nicci engaged in a serious game of War.

Aunt Nicci and Uncle Andrew have been here visiting the past few days for Spring Break. I went from being the sole adult here all week last week to having Brad, Nicci and Andrew here for the past 4 days! It has been great for the kids to have extra playmates and we have loved showing them all of our favorite Chicago hot spots.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

"Where's Abby's Nose?"

Abby first started finding the noses on her baby dolls but has progressed to knowing where her own nose is. I'm sure her belly button will not be far behind!
She also continues to use the sign language for "more" and I kind of wish now that I had practiced a few others with her earlier on. She has a mouth full of budding teeth and could not be more uncomfortable right now, but boy will the doctor be impressed at her 15 month checkup when she has a mouthful of teeth! At 12 months she had 2 teeth :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Like Brother Like Sister

Abby learning to cut the grass. She spends a lot of time tripping in the grass as she learns to get her footing on the uneven terrain.

Monday, March 15, 2010

"More, More!"

**Abby, May 09

Ever since Abby has been seated in a high chair, we've been trying to teach her the sign language for "more". Well, today, at 14 months old, she finally got it :) At this point, she's probably well on her way to SAYING the word "more", but it is nice to have the sign language as a back-up.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Just One of the Big Kids

The kids have been playing outside so much lately and Abby thinks she's just one of the big kids now. Here's Alex, Vanessa and Abby having a "picnic" on the front lawn.

Monday, March 8, 2010

A Chatty Girl at 14 Months

Abby is 14 months old now. She is a climbing fool and will scale the stairs if you turn your back for a second (or forget to put up the gate)! Abby has been chatting up a storm and is trying her best to communicate with us verbally. Her words include:
and a variation on "all done" while in her booster chair

She's waving bye, clapping for herself, and taking one good nap a day after lunch. Her hair is getting longer and more unruly everyday. Abby is learning how to walk outside on the sidewalk and navigate the inclined driveway. I can see a lot of skinned knees in her future! She's enjoying the Easter decorations and should be a hit at this year's egg hunt.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Despite temperatures in the low 40s (heat wave), it is still chilly out on the back deck where there is little sun. Alex was determined to climb in his sandbox yesterday so I gave in and let him have his 15 minutes of fun :) We'll have to stick to playing out front until the temps get a little warmer.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Baby Hide-n-Seek

While we were out of town, Gigi taught Abby a new game they dubbed "baby hide-n-seek". They had the tee pee set up downstairs and Abby would run into it, then Gigi would say "Where's Abby?" and she'd come running out, all smiles, into her arms. Alex loved telling us all about baby hide-n-seek when we got back from Vegas.