Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Touch A Truck

Time to get out of here, Mom!

Last week was the annual "Touch A Truck" event sponsored by the Joliet Park District. It was hot, hot, hot outside, but Abby and I gave it a quick look. She was mildly amused until the horns and whistles began going off and then she was ready to bolt out of there! I did get a few cute photos and some free bread from our local bakery, which was delicious!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

May 2005

January 2009

Happy Mother's Day to all you Moms and Moms-to-be out there!

I had a perfectly enjoyable Mother's Day here at home with the two kiddos and Brad. We had 70 degree temps, sun, and spent the day just playing outside. I opened gifts from the kids at breakfast, we took a bike ride (or two), went to the park, and enjoyed the pleasant weather. These babies are growing so super fast, I better not blink or I'll be outside teaching Alex how to drive! Looking forward to chaperoning my first field trip (as a parent) this week as we head off to the park to learn about frogs! Life is good!

Mother/Son Barn Dance

Wednesday night was the Mother/Son Barn Dance at Alex's school. He was pretty stoked to use his cowboy hat, cowboy boots, and belt from his "Woody" costume again and I realized just how little cowgirl attire I presently own. We had fun getting our picture taken, eating cookies and punch, and of course, line dancing! I think the little boys had more fun running around the dance floor with their buddies than anything else.

Karen's Baby Shower

Last Sunday I attended a baby shower for my dear friend Karen. Karen and I have been friends since middle school and she and her husband Chris are expecting their first child in early June. As her Godson, Alex thinks it would be pretty cool if he and the baby shared a birthday so we'll see what happens. It was great to catch up with Karen's Mom and sisters and watch her open all the fun baby gear :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

No Training Wheels!

Several of Alex's neighborhood friends have learned to ride their bikes without training wheels and that was just the encouragement he needed to learn for himself. Saturday, Alex picked up Josh's bike and took off on two wheels, determined to try it out. First thing Sunday morning, he had Brad in the garage, removing his own training wheels. Brad helped him balance to get started and he'd ride all the way to the end of the street. We are still working on turning the corners, but he can certainly check riding in a straight line without assistance off his list!!

Take Your Child To Work Day

This was the only picture I took last Thursday for "Take Your Child To Work Day". Alex went into work with Brad for about two hours before boredom set in, along with a lack of productivity for Dad :) He got a look around Dad's office building, watched a safety video, used the white board, had a snack, and met a few co-workers. I picked him up by 10 to go back to school. It made Alex happy and I'm sure Brad was proud to introduce him to his friends.

Abby's Zoo Adventure

Watching the penguins
Going to the zoo is stressful!

Last Friday was the nicest day of the week so Abby and I, along with our friends Shonta and Brandon, visited the Brookfield Zoo for the morning. We packed a lunch and light jackets (let's not get too crazy, just because it was sunny didn't mean it was "hot") and headed on our way. There were lots of school groups there but we still managed to squeeze in to see the gorillas, dolphins, penguins, giraffes, camels, and lots of free-roaming peacocks!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Kindergarten Music Concert

Emily (our neighbor) and Alex
Alex showing off his artwork

Last Wednesday, Alex performed in the Kindergarten music concert. He worked hard to learn five songs that he practiced each night, usually in the bathtub :) The parents and teachers were all very proud!

Easter In A Nutshell

Coloring eggs in his new "birthday" robe!

Alex revving up Grandpa's Harley.

Easter Sunday

Great-Grandma with Aiden, Abby and Alex

Abby and Aunt Nicci

Alex and Gigi on Easter

Abby playing a little driveway golf

We spent Easter weekend in Cincinnati visiting friends and family. The kids colored eggs, and Alex was very proud that wrapping his eggs in rubber bands prior to dyeing led to some sweet "mummy eggs". We visited Grandpa and enjoyed a burst of sunshine for a few hours so the kids happily played on the deck and in the trees. Then we celebrated Easter and Great-Grandma Dot's 91st birthday during a wild downpour (Cincinnati was experiencing record rainfalls this April!). Alex and Abby had fun running around with my cousin Amanda's son, Aiden. Easter Sunday we went to church with Grandma Kathy where Alex helped her usher, Abby played in the nursery, and we enjoyed the service in peace and quiet. It was warm enough after our nice lunch for the kids to play outside between the rain clouds. What a difference rainy and warm makes versus rainy and 40 degrees!