Tuesday, August 13, 2013


The perfect rainy day game!

Cub Scout Day Camp

Similar to last year, Alex attended Scout Day Camp the week after school got out for summer.  It runs all day long, outdoors, at a local park.  This volunteer-run camp teaches the kids to fish, use a bow and arrow, and bb gun safety/usage.  The days I was there we did arts and crafts, played games, took a boat ride down the Occoquan River, and worked on belt loops.  Camp is exhausting and very hot.  Remind us of this next year.

Pirate's Cove Waterpark

The Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority has several park district run water parks around town.  Pirate's Cove is the perfect size for me to manage solo.  The pool is right next to the large slides and I can easily see both kids at the same time.  We went here right after school let out and the water was still pretty chilly.  By the afternoon I found the kids in the warm sandbox, Alex buried up to his tummy!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Twilight Tattoo

Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall , VA hosts a weekly Twilight Tattoo military pageant in the summer months on Wednesday nights.  This was just so cool!  The U.S. Army Band plays selections, the Fife and Drum Corps performs, the Drill Team puts on an awesome show, and soldiers from "The Old Guard" demonstrate military history for about an hour.  Soldiers march on the field dressed in actual uniforms from the various wars in history, dating back to the Revolutionary War.  Pre-show, the kids were able to walk around and ask soldiers questions, touch and try on gear, and generally stand in awe of their surroundings.  We sat front row on blankets and didn't miss a thing!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Last Day of School

Alex enjoyed Second Grade with Mrs. Long at Sangster.  They did have a really large class, which led to many social opportunities :)  Alex's good buddy, A.J., recently moved to Louisiana.  They so enjoyed being neighbors and classmates.  The red marks around Alex's eye are a direct result of the above picture from the night before.  Alex vs. lamp post, in a pool noodle-light saber battle with Dad after work.  Bring on summer!

Father's Day

We spent Father's Day playing croquet and frisbee at a local winery, Paradise Springs.  There were quite a few laughs as we battled on the croquet course and enjoyed a picnic lunch with the Prices.  After the picnic we went swimming for a bit, one of Brad's favorite activities to do with the kids.  He throws them all over the pool...something Mommy is less than talented at doing.

Field Day and Kiddie Camp

The past two years, Abby has attended Kiddie Camp at the rec center during Alex's last week of school.  This year, Celia joined her and they had a good time swimming, crafting, and playing together a few hours each morning.  Alex's field day falls during that week so I was able to help out and cheer on Alex and his friends.  Luckily it wasn't too hot that day and my station was an indoor one (score one for signing up early!).

Back in the Water

Everyone is happy when the pool finally opens for the summer!  Abby is a little fish and I think all that swimming in the winter months was worth it.  She likes to swim under water and be in the deeper water with her brother.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Music Performance

Alex's class performed an adorable music show at the end of the school year.  He had two solos, one was a rap about drums that he sang loud and clear!  Unfortunately the video included other children and they asked us not to share that.  But, his second showcase was playing the drum while the class sang along and I managed to only video Alex.  I give him a lot of credit for performing in front of all the parents with such enthusiasm!  Enjoy!

Alex's Box Project

The second graders were assigned a "box project" at the end of the school year.  Essentially a book report on a box, complete with 3D components on one side of the box.  They opened up the classroom to parents/grandparents one afternoon and we were able to walk through and see each child's creation.  Alex chose the book Stick Dog, which is quite funny, and easy enough to retell in a book report.  He has come a long way with his writing and continues to work at journaling and story telling this summer.

Strawberry Picking

My friend Melissa and I are co-chairs of the Health and Fitness Committee for cub scouts.  In June, we went strawberry picking at Hollin Farms in Delaplane, VA.  We had been apple picking there in the fall and were eager to go back for summer fruits.  Strawberries are easy enough to pick and the kids even got to pick pea pods (which Alex likes to eat now).  Grandma Eileen was able to join us for the adventure and flew home after lunch at Panera the next day. 

Alex Turns 8!

Alex was excited to turn 8 and have a Star Wars themed gymnastics party.  Mom and I whipped up those light sabers in an hour one afternoon, and they were a hit (thanks Pinterest!).  Most of the boys in his class and a few friends from scouts were able to join him as he bounced with joy all over that gymnastics studio!  He was thrilled to get a new foam slingshot/arrow launcher thing!

We couldn't be prouder of Alex, he's doing very well in school and gearing up to start in an advanced program for third grade.  Despite being a young kid in his grade, he excels at school and love, love, loves math and science (go figure).  He really enjoys reading chapter books, playing tennis (tennis camp is coming up later in August), swimming (he made a great deal of progress this summer), and playing Legos with friends.  

Abby adores her big brother, who is now 58lbs (60th percentile) and 52" (75th percentile).  He will build Legos for hours, which is great for using his imagination.  The one room we are pretty lenient with is his bedroom.  We let him keep his creations on the floor or in drawers, we just don't want to break our necks tucking him in at night!

One of Alex's best little buddies, A.J. recently moved to Louisiana and I would imagine a few others have moved over the summer as well.  With so many military families in his school, this is very much a reality.  I think it keeps him flexible and having moved himself, he is trying to be an understanding and supportive friend.  He is still bummed though, which is to be expected.