Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Time for Dinner...

After a long day of playing outdoors in the semi-not-cold temperatures, Alex was beat when we came in for dinner. I set him up with a little Toy Story and 15 minutes later, voila! I had my back to him while I was cooking so imagine my surprise when I yelled "come to the table Alex" and got no response. I said it again thinking he was just engrossed in his movie, but alas, he was snoring away in his chair :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter from our family to yours!! This morning Alex awoke to find the Easter Bunny had dropped lots of eggs around the backyard. We sent him on a quest to collect them all for safekeeping until the Easter Bunny returns.
Alex with Grandma Kathy.

Alex with Aunt Jackie.

Here's a tired little boy coloring eggs.

Gigi helped Alex with his bird watching by flipping through a bird book. The birds are starting to return so hopefully Spring really IS here! No Spring temperatures yet but we did have sun today and that is always a welcome sight.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Breakfast with the Easter Bunny

Saturday morning our local YMCA hosted a Breakfast with the Easter Bunny. It was just the right size for Alex. We had breakfast, Alex got to meet the Easter Bunny, and then it was time for the big egg hunt! Since it was mainly toddlers, there were plenty of eggs for everyone to collect. Once Alex figured out that there were treats inside, he gathered as many eggs as he could!!

Here Comes the Sun

It was a temporary day of sunshine and warmth, but we soaked it all in Friday!! Most of you would hardly consider the 50s warm, but we were in heaven. Mom came to visit from OH and we took Alex and Josh to the park, played outside, and enjoyed this brief reprieve from the cold.

A bit of Alex vocabulary:

"tron-tron", as in "Let's ride in the tron-tron to the park Mom". I don't think tron-tron sounds like stroller, but in his little mind it does! He used to say "trudder" which made much more sense.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Which Of These Things Is Not Like the Other?

When I stumbled upon this scene the other morning, I had to wonder, who was here first?

Alex has had some trouble with the time change, as so many of us have. The other day he slept until 10:30am and that might be a record for him. His buddy Josh was almost ready for lunch and Alex was ready for "ca-cakes" (pancakes)! Needless to say Alex had brunch that morning.

I did not take any photos at swim lessons for a number of reasons, but Alex seemed to really enjoy it. If we can just get him to close his mouth when he blows bubbles or dunks his head under water, we'll be in good shape.

Monday, March 10, 2008


There was no stopping him. Coat, hat and all he was determined to enter the sandbox. March is the start of Spring isn't it? Or maybe that's April... Tomorrow he starts swim lessons again. We are praying for warm water in the indoor pool and a patient little guy when we tell him he can't just run around the shallow end during class :)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Baby Cow?

We've been reading a book about baby farm animals. So after finishing the book I asked Alex "what do you call a baby pig" and he replied "a piglet" then I said "what do you call a baby owl" and he said "and owlet" then it got tricky..."what do you call a baby cow alex" to which he replied "a cowlet"! Of course, a cowlet, silly me :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Reading, Reading, Reading

I was finally able to get Alex to check out a few new books from the library. Seems like every time we would go, he picked out the same 5 train books, over and over again. Well, this time he found books about frogs, dogs, cats, and baby farm animals. We are enjoying the variety!

Alex loves reading. It is always "one more book" at bedtime. The other day I caught him "reading" a book to Josh. He memorizes them and then repeats the story on each page. It is very cute to see him reading to his friend :)

In other unrelated news, Alex has a new "jungle" theme going on in his bathroom. It is based on the steal of a $5 shower curtain I found at Target with one of my favorite "red stickers" on it. Alex likes telling us about all the animals on the shower curtain at bathtime.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

A Change of Pace

Today it was in the low 50s and we soaked up every minute of it! I cracked a window upstairs to get some fresh air in, and we ALL played outside for a bit. Alex loved running around with his dump truck and the cats even got in on the outdoor action. Check out our guard cats, now if that isn't intimidating, I don't know what is!

Playing outside on these unusually warm days leads to the inevitable knock on the front door from Alex. When I get there, he yells at me through the glass "Mommy, I all wet and need towel". So much snow melting leads to a very muddy front yard and a very wet little boy. Here he is drying off.