Thursday, March 13, 2008

Which Of These Things Is Not Like the Other?

When I stumbled upon this scene the other morning, I had to wonder, who was here first?

Alex has had some trouble with the time change, as so many of us have. The other day he slept until 10:30am and that might be a record for him. His buddy Josh was almost ready for lunch and Alex was ready for "ca-cakes" (pancakes)! Needless to say Alex had brunch that morning.

I did not take any photos at swim lessons for a number of reasons, but Alex seemed to really enjoy it. If we can just get him to close his mouth when he blows bubbles or dunks his head under water, we'll be in good shape.

1 comment:

Margie said...

Alright Suzanne. After reading your blog, I'm motivated to start my own. I won't have nearly as many cute picturesas you do, but you can enjoy my ramblings. Ours is I'll let you take a guess at which half of the title is Robbie and which half is Margie. = )