Sunday, May 1, 2011

Easter In A Nutshell

Coloring eggs in his new "birthday" robe!

Alex revving up Grandpa's Harley.

Easter Sunday

Great-Grandma with Aiden, Abby and Alex

Abby and Aunt Nicci

Alex and Gigi on Easter

Abby playing a little driveway golf

We spent Easter weekend in Cincinnati visiting friends and family. The kids colored eggs, and Alex was very proud that wrapping his eggs in rubber bands prior to dyeing led to some sweet "mummy eggs". We visited Grandpa and enjoyed a burst of sunshine for a few hours so the kids happily played on the deck and in the trees. Then we celebrated Easter and Great-Grandma Dot's 91st birthday during a wild downpour (Cincinnati was experiencing record rainfalls this April!). Alex and Abby had fun running around with my cousin Amanda's son, Aiden. Easter Sunday we went to church with Grandma Kathy where Alex helped her usher, Abby played in the nursery, and we enjoyed the service in peace and quiet. It was warm enough after our nice lunch for the kids to play outside between the rain clouds. What a difference rainy and warm makes versus rainy and 40 degrees!

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