Monday, February 25, 2008

What a sweet ring bearer!

Alex did such a great job this weekend as ring bearer in my cousin Amanda's wedding! Now, he did fight when Brad and his Mom started getting him dressed, but a few toy diggers saved the day! He also took in The Little Mermaid on his DVD player while waiting for the ceremony to begin. Thank goodness for distractions!

He kept his jacket on for the 2 hours prior to the wedding and during the wedding but as soon as the wedding was over, he lost the jacket, tie, and vest. Shortly after photos he was almost asleep on the floor so Brad took him home and he skipped the reception. All in all, it was a success, much to the contrary of the 75% of you who thought it might be a bust :) I must admit, I was one of those votes! Can't wait to see the professional photos!


Unknown said...

I'm glad to hear we were all wrong. He's really working those dimples in the picture with Suzanne. I'm sure the professional ones will be cute.

Amanda Dixon said...

I gotta say... he was the best darn ring bearer I've ever seen! And certainly the cutest!!!