Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dollars and Cents

Alex figured out that Abby has some money in her piggy bank in her room and anytime he wants to buy something, he says "well, we could us those dollars in Abby's bank"!! It is so funny! Today he asked if we could get the car washed and when I asked him if he had any money with which to do so, he suggested we borrow it from Abby. I wonder if when she gets older she'll have to hide her piggy bank--not from us, but from her brother! We'd also been playing this computer game called Farm Town, where we'd earn coins for crops we harvested, and Alex wanted to spend those "coins" the other day to buy a toy at WalMart! I told him he needs to stick to the money in HIS wallet or piggy bank for special treats :)

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