Monday, November 16, 2009

Such a Big Girl Now!

Ready to play at Jaydon's workbench!

Eating one of her new favorites...cheese cubes.

Taking a step or two on her own.

She likes to sit up on her knees like this. It makes her look like such a big kid when she does it, I can't help but laugh! Abby has made some serious "big girl" strides over this past week. She does not want much to do with baby food and prefers finger foods from whatever we are having. She still only has the one tooth, although the one right next to it is ready to break through the gum any day now. Having only one tooth does not slow her down and she's tried lots of grown up foods lately.
Saturday, Abby started holding her own bottle (note to self, must get photo). It's as if she just flipped a switch and now she holds it herself at every feeding. Not sure exactly what took her so long, but I believe this was a learned helplessness. Abby is standing well on her own and even tries to take a step or two between 2 people when she has the chance!


Nicole Ivory said...

watch out! miss independent coming through! such a big girl!

becca talley said...

She's so pretty.

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