Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Frosty the Snowman

Yesterday Alex and I built this snowman while Abby took a nap. We didn't really have that much snow, but it was just the right consistency to all stick together. I just looked out the window today though, during our crazy wind storm, and it appears as if Frosty has crumbled and all the cool pieces have blown everywhere. Hopefully when it settles down outside we can go on a search for the hat, buttons, eyes, nose and corncob pipe! The Christmas decorations are in disarray out front too, what a crazy windy day!

Once Abby woke up, we put on her snow pants (because it wasn't THAT cold outside yet) and let her try out her boots. She did not really enjoy this because I think it was hard for her to move in all those layers! She tolerated being pushed around on the sled with Alex. I think through the winter, the best time to play in the snow will be while she's sleeping :)

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