Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What's New With Abby?

Abby's first attempt at wearing make-up?

She's getting used to sleeping in the toddler bed this week.

Or is she??
The past two weeks, Abby's vocabulary has really taken off. She tries to say quite a few more words and is developing quite the spunky personality. Tonight we asked the kids if they wanted to go outside and she literally picked up her gym shoes and threw them at Brad right before she jumped in his lap. The degree to which she understands what we ask her to do really surprises us sometimes. She's adjusting well to the toddler bed although last night we briefly panicked when we couldn't find her, then later located her asleep behind the rocking chair.
Abby's favorite words:
cup/hat/Dowa (Dora)/Maaaax/nack (snack)/moo (when she sees a cow)/cack, cack (when she sees a duck)

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