Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cincinnati at the Holidays

Something funny was going on here with Jackie, Scott and kids involving a lot of spinning and a lot of giggling.
Old habits die HARD. In this case, really hard. After a three day attempt to wean Abby from her milk bottles at bedtime/nap time, we couldn't take the behavioral repercussions any longer. And neither could anyone else. Will attempt again, in our own home, eventually.

Photo credit: Alex Ross
Grandma Eileen and the kiddos at EnterTrainment Junction.
Alex had no trouble opening his gifts, Abby's gifts, and everyone else's gifts. He's helpful like that.

We hit the road again after Christmas to celebrate with family and friends. The trip involved lots of present opening, yummy food, great company and a variety of temperatures. The warm temps on the 30th and 31st were a welcome relief from the cold and the kids enjoyed running off some steam outdoors those days. They really do miss being outside in the winter. Sledding is fun, but we only last 45min max before we have to come back inside and they really enjoy the outdoors. EnterTrainment Junction, just North of Cincinnati, is a great stop for those with little ones interested in trains too :) We were even able to ring in the New Year with family and friends. It was a great trip!

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