Sunday, June 5, 2011

Party Prep

Let the crayon peeling begin!
Melting and stirring...

I was determined to be organized and start prepping for Alex's birthday party a few weeks early this year. I'm sure our friend Brooke was thrilled to find out we'd be melting down crayons to mold rockets and astronauts one Sunday afternoon. Here she'd planned on a nice lunch with the family...

We used the tips we found online regarding crayon recycling and got to work sorting, soaking, peeling, melting, pouring and waiting. The hardest part is definitely peeling the crayons, but after a good soak in ice water, the paper usually comes off in long bits.

While I do think the results were adorable, I'm not entirely sure how useful these crayons will be. Parts of the crayons were very delicate and thin making them brittle when squished into little hands for coloring. This project, though, definitely turned out better than my attempt at chocolate rocket ships, which later became Rice Krispie Treat Shuttles! Alex and Grandma Eileen also had fun tearing up a foam mattress pad to make "moon rocks" for the moon rock relay.

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