Thursday, October 6, 2011

In Three Months...

In three months, our sweet baby girl will be three years old. Goodness! She's making a bit of progress using the potty, especially at home, not so much in public yet. She has already finished her first potty sticker chart and picked out a small Dora doll as her prize. Abby has been riding her little pink bike and using the pedals more and more. She has a daredevilish streak in her as she starts at the top of the driveway and sails to the bottom of the hill as fast as she can. She is really interested in the bikes with training wheels that the other preschoolers on our block have been riding, so she may be ready for a bike promotion shortly. Abby is learning to use glue sticks and paints in her little "Weeping Willows" class on Mondays and Tuesdays. She is moving away from afternoon naps, despite our busy mornings but sleeps well at night! She also calls Brad, "Brad Ross" sometimes, which I think is really funny.

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