Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas 2011

Yikerz, pictured above, may have tied with Bananagrams for most enjoyable game of the holiday!
Abby was particularly excited about Christmas this year! I have to add that both she and Alex are little troopers in the car. While we did make a few more pit stops on the way to Cincinnati than we would have liked, these two do not complain about being in the car and for that we are thankful!

Relaxing under the giant blankie at Grandma Kathy's house.

The wonderful thing about having our families both in Cincinnati is that we get to visit with them all at the holidays. We celebrated on Christmas Eve with Brad's Mom's family, Christmas Day with Brad's Dad's family and on the latter part of Christmas Day with my family. Jackie and Scott were visiting from Washington, D.C. and it was great to catch up with them too! Bananagrams is our new favorite game and I am certain we have yet to get any snow because I finally broke down and asked for snow boots for Christmas. The kids each came home with a castle this year, one more dainty than the other. Brad thoroughly enjoyed his time off work and is looking forward to any work travel that will give him a chance to use his new, grown-up luggage. We had waited until Christmas to tell our kids about an upcoming visit to Disney World, and while they were (and still are) excited, they were more interested in playing with their new toys than anything else!

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