Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Cub Scout Day Camp

 Ready for his first day of camp!
 Better bring lunch and lots of ice
 Alex, the master archer
Target practice with a BB gun

Each day they'd note on the back of the scouts' shirts how many bullseyes they hit.  By the end of the week, Alex's shirt was pretty crowded!

This was Alex's first year of Cub Scout Day Camp and he could not have enjoyed it more.  With the exception of the last day, the weather was in the low 80s each day, just beautiful.  Alex went to camp at a local park from 9-4 each day for a whole week!  The camp is staffed with volunteer parents who teach the boys fishing, archery, BB guns, crafts, geology, and much more!  Brad volunteered on that Friday (Family Day) and while temps soared into the 100s, Alex was still excited to show us what he'd learned at archery and BB's.  They taught the kids quite a bit about safety and we were amazed at how much Alex learned over the course of the week.  He cannot wait until camp next year!

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