Saturday, December 15, 2007

Snow tires

This evening we took Alex to the Festival of Lights at the Zoo (or whatever they call it here). It was beautiful, mainly because it was really snowing...really, really snowing! The snow was slowly falling at our home before we left but it picked up while we were at the zoo. Alex loved running around and playing in the snow at the zoo. Oh, and the lights were nice too.

He started out in the stroller but really wanted to play, so down he went. Each exhibit has "stroller parking" outside to eliminate congestion inside and by the end of the night we had quite a pile of snow in the stroller, on top of the stroller, in the basket underneath the stroller, etc.

Note to self...could use a set of snow tires for the stroller :)

Sorry, no photos, didn't want to get the camera that wet.

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