Wednesday, April 2, 2008

On the Surface...

As I've been wiping down surfaces around the house this week, I have to tell you about my most disturbing finding. I love our little library. I think it is great and Alex loves going there to find new (or the same) train books, Clifford books, Curious George books, boat books, you name it! However, those books are filthy!! I was wiping down the covers of his most frequently read books in his room and then I got to the library books and the Clorox wipes turned black. I guess I should not be totally surprised by this finding, however, from now on I will wipe the outside of our library books when we get home each week (the library should appreciate my contributions to making their collections a bit cleaner!!).

Am I the last Mom on this planet to have this finding?


Unknown said...

Makes me wonder if that is limited to the childrens department or if I should wipe off my library books?

Anonymous said...

When I taught middle school language arts I was always spraying and wiping desks, books, everything. I think the custodians thought I was drinking the stuff! Maybe it's a good thing Alex does take out the same ones...
