Monday, January 4, 2010

One Year Old! Happy Birthday Abby!

Good Morning Abby! Happy Birthday!

Abby walking on the trampoline at Gymquest.


Abby found all sorts of goodies to play with at the gym.

Alex hiding in his castle.

Our little princess turned one today. Abby brings us so much joy and is happy almost all of the time. She is walking everywhere so Alex and I took her to Gymquest today for open gym. She was timid for about the first 5 minutes, but soon took off chasing behind Alex. She probably loved having such a large flat area to practice walking and I was shocked when she walked on the "tumble-track" trampoline without falling over!

Abby adores Alex, I know I have said this over and over. She really is kind of a pest and it takes all the restraint he has not to push her away sometimes. She is enjoying table food, in fact tonight she downed turkey and green beans for her birthday!
Abby also loves her baby dolls, and it is so cute to watch her pick them up and look at their faces, as if she's looking at a real child. She'll carry them around with her as she toddles throughout the house. She can give kisses and is absolutely adorable! She'll give her baby dolls kisses too. Love it.
2010 promises to be a fun year with these two!

1 comment:

Becca said...

She appears to get cuter every day. Happy Birthday little Abby.