Thursday, March 3, 2011

One Tooth Down!

Last night I volunteered at the Daddy-Daughter Dance at Alex's school. While I was gone, I got a text from Brad that said "Are you busy?". I was, so I told him we had a great turnout and then a little later he wrote "Alex lost his first tooth". I think there was some concern here at the house once it really got wiggling and the blood started flowing. Brad still has an aversion to teeth/blood ever since he broke two teeth at a picnic in college (the reason you'll never see a moon bounce at any of our parties). Brad is so calm though that I did not get the feeling of worry through his texts so I went right back to making punch and refilling cookie trays. When I got home, Alex was still awake and told me all about the drama that unfolded at dinner time. He proceeded to stay awake very late in his room, trying to catch the tooth fairy in the act :)

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