Monday, February 28, 2011

Growing Up Fast!

Little Miss Abby is growing up fast! Thinking back to what Alex was doing at age 2, I made a visit up to the local Y to sign Abby up for Creative Movement class. She started last Tuesday and I think it is right up her alley. It is similar to the little gym class she was taking through the park district, only without the downtime and crowds. They are active for the whole half hour and run off a lot of steam. She was a little shy last week but warmed up by the end of class. Abby enjoyed playing with the other kids and navigating the obstacle course. She might be the youngest in the class but the teacher was very good with her and made her feel right at home.
After Creative Movement, we get changed and have parent/child swim class. Given Abby's new found affinity for the pool, I thought I should really take the time to get in the water with her regularly. Our neighbors joined the class with us so she sees a familiar face in there. There are only three mom/toddler pairs so it is another fun class with a low teacher/student ratio. We do sing fun songs but we also focus on a fair number of swim basics. Abby's favorite is jumping in off the side, go figure. This will be our Tuesday routine probably until the end of the school year :)

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