Thursday, April 12, 2012


Abby's Weeping Willows Teachers

Ms. Nicole and Ms. Gail

Alex's Kindergarten and First Grade Teachers

Ms. Gomez and Ms. Grabavoy

Alex and Abby have been blessed with phenomenal teachers over the years. Abby's first "school" experience was in Weeping Willows this year through the park district. She attended two days a week, two hours at a time. From day one, she ran right in and got to playing. No tears. Abby loved Ms. Nicole and Ms. Gail! They were completely encouraging with potty training and it helped tremendously to have their support at school. Abby is so full of personality and always made her teachers smile. Abby's favorite part of school was the music time, when the teachers would sing fun songs with the class. I think snack time ranked up around the top too!

Alex learned so much in Kindergarten and First Grade in Illinois. These teachers helped him learn to read, write, do addition and subtraction, read some more, write some more, etc. Alex loves school. Everyday I ask him how school was and he responds "Great!". He misses them greatly and I'm sure will forever compare his new teachers to Ms. Gomez and Ms. Grabavoy.

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