Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fort McHenry


Now this place is cool, really, really cool.  Troops at this star-shaped fort successfully defended Baltimore Harbor from and attack by the British on September 13/14, 1814.  After witnessing the events of those days, Francis Scott Key was inspired to write the Star-Spangled Banner at Ft. McHenry in 1814.  We caravaned over to Baltimore with about ten families to tour this historic monument.  When you first go in, there is a short movie about the history of the fort and at the end, the giant screen rolls up and the glass behind it overlooks the enormous 15 star, 15 stripe flag that flies there.  It will give anyone chills.  The scouts completed the Junior Ranger program, complete with scavenger hunt, and earned a certificate and a pin (and a ton of historical knowledge)!  At 3:30 they retired the large flag for the night and we all got to participate in catching the flag as they lowered it to the ground and folding it up.  There must have been 50 people spread out around that flag to ensure it did not touch the ground!  They were interested in checking out all aspects of the fort and we were there for 4 hours.  Even Abby enjoyed her time at Ft. McHenry!  Learning how to load and fire the cannon was everyone's favorite part and the park rangers who run that program should be commended for their patience and enthusiasm!

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