Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A, B, Cs and 1, 2, 3s

Alex is loving this Thomas the Train (go figure) computer he received as a Christmas gift. He can recognize his numbers to 10 and all the capital letters. He's able to count to 10 and while he can't spell "Alex" yet he knows it contains "ex". I knew we'd been making progress on these numbers but I am absolutely floored by the progress with the letters! Last night I stood making dinner in the kitchen while he pressed each letter as it randomly asked him which ones to press. There are about 30 games you can play on this thing but so far we've only done 2 of them (numbers and capital letters).

Today I spread out a bunch of magnetic letters on the floor and asked him to find various ones and put them on the easel. I cannot believe he can pick out specific letters from a pile like that. I shouldn't act so surprised but really, who would have thought Thomas the magical laptop could help him learn this in just a few weeks? Whoever designs these things is brilliant!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Must have been all the Baby Einstein you and Brad suffered through on those long car trips.