Monday, November 17, 2008

Just What the Doctor Ordered

When the doctor asked last week if I was "getting enough rest," I had to chuckle :) Was she serious? Bronchitis became pneumonia and we had to call in the reserves for a few days to help out. Alex loved it and so did we! We are eternally grateful!!

Here's a photo of Alex helping me clip coupons. We all love Sunday mornings, mainly because we check out all the deals for the week and get to clip coupons. I'm pretty sure Alex chastised me at one point for not staying on the dotted lines!

Friday we had our dining room painted and I think we'll have the painter back to help us finish the projects upstairs as well. He was very affordable, clean, and fast. With Brad's new job commitments, we'll take all the help we can get!

Sunday we all took Alex to see Madagascar 2 in the movie theater (his first time). He was a good boy and I think he enjoyed the movie overall. Once the lights went down though, I think he was a bit unsure if he was supposed to sit up tall or scrunch down and close his eyes :) I was able to keep the coughing to a minimum by Sunday!


Unknown said...

Before you know it, he'll be critiquing your driving because he's in Driver's Ed. I love the sweater vest.

Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better, Suz!