Tuesday, August 18, 2009


It is time to baby proof. No more slacking around about it. It's time to gate the steps, pick up all the little pieces, block the outlets, lock the cabinets, stop leaving baby on the bed, etc., etc. The photo above is reason #101 to get to work. She's into EVERYTHING! Abby can go forward and backwards now in her walker and in one sweep of the kitchen can pull the towels down, pull everything off the fridge, open cabinets, and run over the cat. She has also developed the pincher grasp needed to pick up Cheerios off her highchair tray. This took LOTS of practice! Abby can crawl around but seems to prefer rolling more than anything else. I think it is faster. Also, last night around 2:30am, she was fussing and when I got in her room, she was sitting up in her crib! That is the first time I have seen her pull herself from completely flat to sitting up. Long gone are the days of the exersaucer and swing to entertain Abby! She just wants to get down on the floor and go, go, go!! Guess I'll need to pick up the pace on my vacuuming as well, hmmm...

1 comment:

Nicole Ivory said...

that is so exciting! such a milestone!